The owners corporation can at their discretion use its prefer tradespeople, however if you require us to arrange for alternative contractors, please be assured that MCP Strata Management does not profit in any way for this service and will arrange for the work to be carried out as promptly as possible.
We provide professional administrative and secretarial services to Body Corporates. These services have been designed to provide maximum flexibility to meet the needs of each client.
Our services include:
- Prepare and issue all notices required by the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and regulations under the Act that apply to the Body Corporate.
- Attend Annual General & Extraordinary Meetings and Committee Meetings when required.
- Take Minutes of meetings and issue to owners promptly.
- Issue levy notices.
- Deposit money received and pay accounts.
- Keep proper financial records as per Statutory Regulations.
- Make financial information and budgets available to the Committee Members on a monthly basis.
- Prepare statements of account for Annual General Meetings.
- Ensure all required insurances are taken out.
- Keep all statutory records and registers up to date.
- Holds for safe keeping and supervise use of the common seal.
- Deal with correspondence and communication from the owner’s corporation.
- Provide general advice to the Owners Corporation.
- Ensures that all tradesman attending the property are fully insured
- Serve Notices on breaches of By-Laws
- Monitor and arrange for recovery of levy arrears
- Obtaining quotes for works requested by the Owners Corporation
Our Guarantee
As part of our commitment to providing high quality services, we guarantee that:
Every telephone call or emails returned on the same day where possible, but no later than the next working day.
All incoming correspondence is responded to or, where instructions need to be received from the Strata Committee, acknowledge receipt of the letter in writing within 3 working days.
Each strata is given a separate trust account and investment account if required.
We provided monthly cash management reports, while other strata’s only provide 6 monthly as per regulations.
Contact us today for a free assessment of your current strata scheme
What is Pheather System Service?
Another service that is unique to MCP Strata Management P/L is our development and trade marked by our company is the Pheather System™.
The Pheather System™ is the “Strata Management when you don’t have a Strata Management”. So, this is when a block of units and their strata committee work well together meeting their builds requirements, such as repairs and gardening, holding their own annual general meeting and only require a Strata Management in the background, attending to legislative requirements and financial management.
If you believe that this service is for your building, please contact us for an eligibility assessment to enter the Pheather System™.